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5 bookmarks have this tag.
Open Distro is a friendly resource for anarchists who want to create or improve their own print publishing projects.
Written by Peter Gelderloos, this primer written in a portable format will introduce you to the core concepts of Anarchism and answers to some of the obvious questions you may ask yourself when learning about anarchism and its movements. Start with this if you are new to anarchism.
Audiobook of Peter Gelderloos challenge to non-violence and pacifist politics.Made by Audible Anarchist https://audibleanarchist.github.io/Webpage/
Today’s narratives about trans people tend to feature individuals with stable gender identities that fit neatly into the categories of male or female. Those stories, while important, fail to account for the complex realities of many trans people’s lives.
Trust Kids! weaves together essays, interviews, poems, and artwork from scholars, activists, and artists about our relationships with children in all areas of our lives.