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A poem for those mocked and gaslighted for decrying the genocide of the Palestinian people.


The case for abandoning the burning house


I can only imagine that if we collectively understood permanent global war, genocide, and racialized houselessness are core tenets, or in other words, a necessity of the capitalist political economy, we could better diagnose the crises of our time and move accordingly. Liberalism has, overwhelmingly and historically, not been an ally, a friend, or even a convenient tool for advancing progressive political struggles but a brutally violent, carceral, and murderous adversary. It is clear that the fascist right is not the only foe but so is the (neo)liberal right who, too, seeks to secure the United States’ unjust claim as a global hegemon even if that means leaving a trail of the blood of the world’s colonized and poor in its wake.



317 – Rich People Ruin Everything – srsly wrong


This episode on SRSLY WRONG, Shawn & Aaron discuss the ways in which rich people, and the existence of “richness” corrupts and ruins everything in our society.



Traveler’s Guide to the Acronym Wasteland (Pamphlet)


A general, group-by-group overview of some tankie and authoritarian entryist Left orgs in Philly (though partly relevant to other contexts; many are national groups), to help more autonomous, uncontrollable rebels better understand and defend against their manipulations. Includes some reflections and propositions at the end ('Anti-Social Social War?').