Tag open-source

5 bookmarks have this tag.



Solene'% : Full-featured email server running OpenBSD


In this blog post, you will learn everything you know to setup a secure and low maintenance email server



Setting up a mail server with OpenSMTPD, Dovecot and Rspamd


For this article, we will setup a mail server for hypno.cat, a small website for my thriving (hypothetical) hypnotherapist activity. I registered the website years ago because I liked the name, but never done anything with it beyond hosting an awesome animated file.



Plan 9 is a Uniquely Complete Operating System


A large contributor to the "feel" of an Operating System comes from the software it chooses to include by default. There are entire linux distributions that differentiate themselves just based on the default configured software. There is room for so many options of base software because there are in general many different options to pick. Linux being just a kernel itself specifically creates an environment which encourages this (to some extent). This is both a blessing and a curse, for people wanting to write software targeting linux there now is some matrix of options they must test under if they want it to work with all the various software choices. BSD systems, unlike Linux, tend to include more than just a kernel by default, generally including some "blessed" c library, c compiler, libraries and programs. This makes targeting the system a bit easier, in the sense that you can assume there is a larger set of software on a BSD machine than you could with some system that uses a Linux kernel. Even with BSD however, not all of the software is in control of those in charge of the system itself, there is still a large amount of shared code between these systems for things like the c compiler. There are some pros and cons to this situation. On the plus side these systems get to reap the benefits of the work put in to these other projects (gnu, llvm, and so on), but this also does lead to there being some differences in design. Put in another way, if someone wanted the ability to touch every line of code (in the upstream sense), they would have to be a member of some non trivial amount of communities.



SecureJoin: Protecting chat messaging against network adversaries


SecureJoin protocols provide a usable model for message end-to-end encryption which is secure against attackers trying to break authenticity, confidentiality or integrity of messages as can occur with compromised servers and networks. They are implemented, user-tested and continuously refined in production-releases of the cross-platform Delta Chat messenger. Other messenger implementors as well as researchers are welcome to submit remarks, questions or critique either through github or by contacting Delta Chat teams.


Cryptographic Analysis of Delta Chat


We analyse the cryptographic protocols underlying Delta Chat, a decentralised messaging application which uses e-mail infrastructure for message delivery. It provides end-to-end encryption by implementing the Autocrypt standard and the SecureJoin protocols, both making use of the OpenPGP standard. Delta Chat’s adoption by categories of high-risk users such as journalists and activists, but also more generally users in regions affected by Internet censorship, makes it a target for powerful adversaries. Yet, the security of its protocols has not been studied to date. We describe five new attacks on Delta Chat in its own threat model, exploiting cross-protocol interactions between its implementation of SecureJoin and Autocrypt, as well as bugs in rPGP, its OpenPGP library. The findings have been disclosed to the Delta Chat team, who implemented fixes.