Tag abolition

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Vast majority of prison workers have work assignments that keep prisons running




Abolition Centered Care Provider Database


Abolition Centered Care Provider Database - this is a collective resource of abolition-centered, anti-carceral care providers (therapists, social workers, peer supporters, healers) that are dedicated to providing care outside of oppressive systems (i.e. law enforcement, forced hospitalization, the psychiatric industrial complex). Please share with anyone who might benefit from these resources.



Kokila Annamalai, the first activist in Singapore to defy its ‘stifling’ online speech laws


The activist risks jail after refusing to ‘correct’ online posts criticising Singapore’s death penalty and drug laws, a first in the city state under its ‘Pofma’ act



"Live Free, Ride Free, Fuck NYPD"


A report from a mass fare evasion in New York City.



Philly Anarchist Black Cross


ABC chapters around the world autonomously support people who are imprisoned for their thoughts and actions for justice and freedom from oppression, also known as political prisoners or prisoners of war. It is an extension of the work begun by the Political Red Cross in the late 19th century supporting political prisoners in Tsarist prisons or labor camps. PRC not only provided aid, but many times assisted in the planned escapes from prisons or places of exile. In 1907, the Anarchist Red Cross formed and branched out internationally to support both anarchist and socialist revolutionaries in prison and exile, since revolutionaries with these movements had begun to be excluded from the PRC’s support. With the rise of a new dictatorship in Russia, the ARC reorganized in 1919 as the Anarchist Black Cross. During the Spanish Civil War and WWII, ABCs comprised mostly of Russian Jews aided anarchist comrades fleeing from fascist persecution as well as those arrested in the resistance movements throughout Europe.