Tag economy

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Let's All Watch the Tech Economy Die


It's possible to watch all this collapse and enjoy it because us plebs have already been living in a recession since 2022. Biden-pilled liberals and economics writers alike have been calling proletarians Chicken Littles for a few years, saying this was a "vibecession", that the economy was strong and household confidence was false consciousness. Look at the fundamentals, you idiots, look at the stats! Nevermind that our bank accounts were empty, our rents were up, prices were skyrocketing and the vultures of legalized sports betting, payday loan apps and credit card default circled relentlessly. Anecdote is not the singular of data, they told us, while we watched more and more of our mutuals turn to less and less effective mutual aid funds to get by. The jobs opening numbers are strong, they said, as friends got laid-off and those looking for jobs couldn't even get an interview.
